New Officer Training – Virtual Online Program

Officer Training 2020-2021 Click this link for a copy of the flyer

Sign up now for our virtual training for new club officers. It is critical that you get a jump on the skills that you will need as you step into these offices. The training is set for July 11th from 8:00 to 3:00, depending upon which class you are taking.

So, thanks for stepping up to be an officer for your club. Your club appreciates your involvement in making your club better.
Meeting ID: 823 6089 9806 ~ Password: 087735 ~ 1(669) 900-9128 US (San Jose)

Nick McNicholas: 530.908.2048

Do you need a mentor? Do you want to be a mentor?

As a district that takes pride in emphasizing training as a key element of our overall goals and objectives, there is a need to seek out powerful ways to grow and develop the skills of our membership. A review of the literature suggests that today’s leaders from all walks of life, have had the benefit of a mentor’s wisdom and experience.

The question is, how might a mentoring program benefit our entire organization? Mentoring is more than just a cost-effective alternative to traditional training programs. It promotes knowledge sharing, leadership development, skill development, and engagement throughout the entire organization.

Membership wise we have had some good years and some poor years. Each year District 4-C5 brings in as many members as leave. Information passed on from LCI suggests that the highest rate of attrition is during the fourteenth to the eighteenth month of service, and some sources (LCI) suggest that the more accurate range is closer to six months to fourteen months.

Although as a district we are not that good at performing exit surveys with the members who leave, we hear when attending the Council of Governors and other events outside our district, that the top reasons that Lions drop are: 1) their club is not doing regular service projects and 2) the member did not have true understanding of Lionism.

If you’re interested in becoming a part of our mentoring program, or you wish to have a mentor give you the one-on-one training to move you forward as a new Lion, please download and fill out the  appropriate application and send a copy to your club secretary.

Mentor application, questions and responsibilities

Mentee application, questions and responsibilities

What’s a Guiding Lion?

The Guiding Lion helps lead or guide a new club through the process of becoming a successful club.

The first two years is the most critical time for a new club. District governors are encouraged to appoint two guiding Lions, preferably Certified Guiding Lions, to:

  • Guide the new club through its first 2 years of operation
  • Orient and train new club officers
  • Motivate and support the new club growth

Have you thought about wanting to help a new club get on their feet and to help them be successful?

If so, there is a training program available to do just that.

Certified Guiding Training has been scheduled for May 20 at the Roseville Sunrise Club House.  The doors will open at 7:30 AM and the training will be from 8 till noon.  We have the room until 1 PM if our discussion goes on past noon.
PDG Carl Burson will be the trainer and PDG Andy Anderson will assist him.
To sign up, contact PDG Andy Anderson via email at

To read more about Certified Guiding Lions, click here.