New California Lions website is now launched.
(The website is sill in service focusing on internal use.)
As discussed this past weekend at the Fall Council of Governors meeting in Santa Maria, a new, additional website has been developed to showcase the Lions of California specifically to non-Lions. The website describes the Lions Clubs of California as who we are by what we do, promoting: City of Hope, Lions in Sight, Lions Eye foundation, California Lions Foundation, Lions Clubs International Foundation, Lions Float, Inc., and similar partner associations. Note that acronyms such as MD-4 are not present in this public targeted Lions Clubs promotional effort and that the text and photos are intended to appeal emotionally to a younger audience.
The Council of Governors this past weekend authorized that the new website be launched today, as-is, to the 20,000 Lions of California. As a measure of success, we will monitor whether additional not-for-profit and for-profit business partners will request inclusion on our website going forward. We will also track the quantity and track the number of website hits and how long users spend on the site and on each page. The end game is to use the website as a marketing tool with California corporations to entice to partner hand-in-hand in community service including monetarily and in new Lions Clubs We want their logo on our website and the Lions logo on theirs.