Disaster Relief for Lahaina

I was asked to post something on the district website about disaster relief for Lahaina. If you are like me and most of the Lions that I know, we always want to be able to reach out to assist those in need.

Unfortunately, we don’t always know where to donate. Yes, it is obvious that we can donate directly to the Red Cross, or our own LCIF. Quite often when we look for something more local, we don’t know if we are donating to legitimate charities, or fly-by-night scammers.

I have reached out to our District Governor, our Club’s LCIF coordinator as well as the LCIF coordinator for our district for additional information. PDG Andy Anderson reported that LCIF has sent the initial District Governor $10,000 emergency grant and they have sent another $50,000 for them as well.  LCIF will most likely send another grant to Hawaii for rebuilding schools, hospitals, churches, fire and police stations etc. that were lost in the fire.

Clubs and individuals can donate to LCIF and their donation would go towards a Melvin Jones Fellowship or a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship. Clubs can and should compile the donations and then send their donation to Lion Natalee and she’ll prepare the paperwork.
Questions regarding LCIF should directed  to Lion Natalee Price at
(209) 570-1231
You and your club can also make donations to the California Lions Foundation in support of the fires in Lahaina. Your choice, of course. Questions regarding CLF should directed  to PDG James Fong at
(916) 391-3666

I also looked at the other clubs that I belong to, such as the American Legion to see if they are doing something through the local Post or the State or National Posts.  I did find that the American Legion, Department of California, does have a program in place to support veterans effected by the fires in Lahaina.

P.S. One other thought to keep in mind for my fellow travelers as I post this note from London. If you already had a vacation planned for Maui, and have considered cancelling it, please reconsider, even if you were booked to stay in Lahaina. Check into booking at a different hotel or resort if possible. When we visit Maui, we always plan a day to visit Lahaina. But I know that there are hundreds of other places to visit on Maui and I also know that they will need every tourist dollar that they can raise to rebuild this classic tourist destination. Donating dollars will help, but the money you spend on vacation will also be a great help to the people of Maui.

2023-2024 New Officer Training

Click Here to Download 2023-24 Club Officer Training v.1

Hello fellow Lions,
Thank you for taking a leadership role in your club for the 2023-2024 year. DG Governor Zenny Yagen is glad to welcome you to the leadership team for District 4-C5. There are several options for Marketing Chair, Membership Chair, Service Chair training this year. So please pick the one you like.
Zoom Training – The District will be offering a Zoom training class on Sunday, July30, 2023 from 1o:00 am – 12:00 pm. Contact Jeri for the Zoom Link if you did not receive it by email.
In Person Training – Saturday, August 19, 2023. This will be held at the Roseville Host Clubhouse. (107 Sutter Ave, Roseville, CA) Social time will start at 8:00 am with training starting promptly at 8:30 am. This session will cover all officer positions and will conclude at 12:30 pm.
Refresher Training – If you are serving in a position for the second (or more) time, you may attend the Refresher training that will be held as part of the August 26th Cabinet Meeting. This will be held at the Cottage Elementary School in Grass Valley.
There are also on-line trainings you can complete to fulfill the training requirements for your position. If you cannot attend any of the training sessions above, please contact me about alternate training options. Having your Clubs officers attend training each year is a requirement to qualify for the Club Excellence Award.
If you have any questions, please contact Jeri Retzlaf. I look forward to seeing you soon.