Partnering with the Mexican Consulate in Sacramento

As most people know, partnering with another organization to accomplish a task makes the job much easier. In fact, if the task is something that both organizations wish to accomplish, it is even better.

In honor of Woman’s Month, the Sacramento area Lions Clubs is partnering with the Mexican Consulate, the Health Education Council and City Council member Eric Guerra’s office to provide a health screening opportunity for local women. I am sure that most readers know that the Lions Clubs’ main outreach to the public is in the area of vision. In fact, they were dubbed the “Knights of the Blind” by Helen Keller in 1925 for their work for people with vision impairments.

The Lions will provide their “Mobile Vision Van” and volunteer optometrists to provide vision screenings at the Health Fair on Saturday, March 12th between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm at the parking lot at the Mexican Consulate at 2093 Arena Blvd, in Sacramento. The Lions also plan to have about 200 pairs of glasses for women and 100 pairs of glasses for children to distribute for free.

In addition to the services provided by the Lions Clubs of Greater Sacramento, there will be other service providers. There will be HIV exams, COVID-19 and flu shots, blood pressure and glucose exams, etc…  Check out the flyer below for more info on the services to be provided.

For more information, you can contact Derek Ledda or Jack Edwards from the local Lions Clubs.