PDG Doug Wight Legacy Award

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This award was created posthumously in memory of PDG Doug Wight. It is a very small recognition for a humble man who has served and been a truly great Lion, in all respects for many years, and in many capacities. As a long-time member of Lions Clubs International (LCI), PDG Doug has served, both visibly and invisibly behind the scenes. He served where and when needed; mentored others when asked; and was very fourth coming in his knowledge and responses. If he didn’t know an answer, PDG Doug would say so, and say “I’ll get back to you on that” … and PDG Doug always did just that!

As Lions, our motto, is “We Serve”!  As a Lion, PDG Doug Wight was proud to do so, not only for individuals and/or communities of people in need, but he also served every Lion as well, by being both an extraordinary human being, as well as the exemplary Lion that he was. He shared his experience and knowledge with all, while seeking nothing in return.

If you, or your Club, would like to order a “PDG Doug Wight Legacy Award”, either in memory of PDG Doug or to recognize a Lion who has done more than “just enough”, here are the details:

Contact Lion Helene Smith at (530) 367-6583 or via email at 4timon@gmail.com to place your order. She will take your order and provide instructions on how to submit your payment of $250 for your order at that time.

Order Form